Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hi Kerri

Resident Toad

this toad lives in a stump at the end of the porch
this is him next to my cell phone so he's not little

Flame Kisses Baby

This is Thomas and Flame
This is Sydney and Kisses
This is Harley and Baby
Now I Know you are thinking that looks like the same bunny in every picture well it is but when you have three kids that all want different names you just go with it .


It must have been double sunny the day he made this

This is Thomas' picture he made at school it was chosen to go to the fair and he got first place

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What's more fun than wax teeth? The kids love fall and Halloween so many more photos to come.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Harley and Hunter

Sydney's Baptism

Today was a very special day for Sydney. She was Baptized by her grandpa Lester. Tommy and I love her very much. She is our pride and joy. We will always love her unconditionally.

Tommy with the double trouble's aka Harley and Hunter

These are sugar cookies I made (Tammy's Recipe) with buttercream frosting.

Sydney and Mommy

Sydney and Clay

Sydney and Grandpa Lester

Sydney and Grandma Lena


Sydney got 2nd Runner-up in the Little Miss Baxter County Pageant. We are all very proud of her. She will get to ride in the fair parade next week.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008


This is what Thomas and Harley were helping daddy make. It's a goat house for 4 little billy's we moved to Jerry's house to eat a wooded area down for him.


She got her wish a nintendo DS